As the top builder in the industry,
Innovative Spaces would love to build your next custom event trailer. During our first calls we will introduce you to our process and hear a little more about your project. You can expect to walk away from those phone calls with a good understanding of what your project might cost and what you might expect by working with us. If after those calls you would like to proceed to the next step of getting a more solid bid and getting your project going, you will connect with our owner Nate and some members of our design team to start the design discovery. We will discuss your vision for the space, and how you intend to use the vehicle, your needs vs. wants, and your anticipated timeline and budget expectations. We will then go deeper into our process and our vision for how we might build your project. Based on these discussion we will provide you with a potential budget and delivery date for your project and any information you might need in order to decide if you’ll build with us.